Saki Hikari Pure White 5kg Bag Medium pellet
Saki Hikari Pure White is a Scientifically Developed Finishing Diet For Spectacular Shiroji.
Saki Hikari Pure White is uniquely blended ingredients which help your koi develop that deep, translucent white you’ve only dreamed of.
Saki Hikari Pure White Includes carefully selected ingredients and avoids using those we’ve identified can cause yellowing over time.
Saki Hikari Pure White is a a traditional Japanese health food, it contains extract of pickled Japanese apricot, which naturally contains Apricot-Polyphenol and higher levels of Citric Acid which help support efficient metabolism in Nishikigoi.
Milled Sesame Seed contains desirable antioxidants which can improve gloss and luster.
This highly digestible formula allows feeding at lower water temperatures making it ideal for use during the winter show season.
The Hikari-Germ is a spore form of a beneficial, live viable naturally occurring micro-organism probiotic which awakens once in the intestine of the koi. Its inclusion, along with the uniquely balanced nutrient mix only Hikari could.
Saki Hikari Pure White Shiroji Maintenance Floating Pellet uses ground sesame seeds contains important antioxidants that help the shine of the skin.
Floating Medium Pellet – 5.0 – 5.5 mm for Koi longer than 20cm
Ideal in Water Temperature above 53.6 Fahrenheit / 12 degrees celsius
Digestible composition at lower temperatures making it ideal for the show season in winter
The addition of Hikari-Germ, a viable probiotic that occurs in nature, promoted highly efficient absorption of nutrients and allows for more efficient feeding behaviour. Hikari-Germ will quickly colonise the intestines and supports the intestinal flora.
Only Available in 5kg Bags
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