Medo Air Pumps
Quite Technology
High performance sound proofing.
Easy Maintenance
Only one screwdriver is needed for filter replacement.
No Lubrication
Completely oil less operation makes air always dry and clean.
Temperature Rise Restraint
Energy saving design greatly reduces heating effect.
Long Service Life
Life expectancy is continuous 10,000 hours.
Light, Compact
Compact and ready-to-use design.
Please Note:
You can easily damage Air Pumps by either running a too powerful air pump in not enough depth of water or not enough air stones etc etc, or an under powered air pump in too much depth of water both can cause early failure or problems, by either causing too greater back pressure or not creating enough back pressure.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever what pump may be best for your application don’t hesitate in contacting us we will be more than happy to advise you.
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