Yesterday was very successful on Ogata Koi Farm so hoping today will also prove fruitful as we again are hoping to go through several more ponds selecting Jumbo Tosai,we also will be looking at our Azukari Koi making those all important decisions as to what to potentially leave agin for another growing season and which to ship home,
It was a much more relaxed day today i only selected in 2 more ponds and purchased 50 more Tosai approx,but also puchased 3 more Nisai,a really nice Gin Rin Matsukawabake with superb Sumi and Shiroji, another really nice Shiro Utsuri again with fabulous Shiroji and Sumi,and a very nice brown Chagoi, all will be avaible at what we think very good prices for the quality….we also checked up on our Azuakri which all bar 1 looked superb, and after discussing with the breeder 4 will be staying another year in the breeders care….so we shall look forward to seeing them again in Autumn…
Tomorrow we will visit Ueno Koi Farm,so hopefully more purchases to show you tomorow.